SES ESOP Strategies - James Steiker, jsteiker@sesadvisors.com
Kreischer Miller - Mario O. Vicari, mvicari@kmco.com
Trout CPA Lancaster, PA - Michael Wolfe, mwolfe@troutcpa.com
Barley Snyder - Drake Nicholas, dnicholas@barley.com
Grossman, Yanak & Ford LLP - Melissa A. Bizyak, bizyak@gyf.com
Business Transition Advisors - Daniel Zugell, dzugell@bta.us.com

We provide no technical services, nor do we endorse any specific provider organizations. We do, however, keep a listing of subject matter experts who have demonstrated extensive experience and integrity in working with employee ownership clients, and have become known to us through their expertise.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan Professionals List
Business Transition Advisors- Dan Zugell, dzugell@bta.us.com
Value Management - Edward Wilusz, eaw@valuemanagementinc.com
Kreischer Miller - Mario O. Vicari, mvicari@kmco.com
Trout, CPA - Michael Wolfe, mwolfe@troutcpa.com